Kambatuku calls for unification among school sports federations


Namibia School Sports Union (NSSU) national coordinator Roger Kambatuku has said for school sports to grow, there should not be a division between private and government schools.

Kambatuku at the launch of the 2023 Momentum Namibia Youth Rugby Invitational on Friday said the Namibia Private Schools Organisation (NAPSO) and the different regional structures run sports on behalf of NSSU and should therefore work in unison if they are to grow local sports.

“We have NAPSO and the regional structures that run schools’ sports on behalf of the government, but most of the time these two bodies host separate events which in the end affects a Namibian child from being selected for national or regional teams,” he said.

For athletes to be considered for national call-up at school level they must participate in NSSU events, he said, adding that private schools host national championships for rugby, football and athletics that are not sanctioned by the NSSU through their regional structures. When these children do not participate in championships that are held under the NSSU umbrella, they end up not being called up for national teams.

“Private and government schools hosting events together will give Namibian children an opportunity to learn from one another and in the end, the best Namibian child will be selected to represent their country,” he said.

The national coordinator called on NAPSO to work with the regional structures as this is the only way both bodies can build sports in the country while preventing them from fighting for the same sponsorships.

“Our biggest concern is athletics events that are held under NAPSO as it becomes difficult. How can these kids be included in the national team when their results are not recorded at the national events where selectors choose teams,” he said, adding that rugby and football are doing well but more needs to be done.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency