Kakuma Addresses Rising Number of Street Children with Rescue Centre


Kakuma – Turkana West Deputy County Commissioner Chaunga Machaunga has raised concerns regarding the increasing number of children on the streets of Kakuma town and the Refugee Camp. During a recent meeting in Kakuma, which included the County Government and partners, Machaunga discussed the upcoming launch and operationalization of the Kakuma Rescue Centre, which is expected to alleviate this issue.

According to Kenya News Agency, the Rescue Centre will serve both Kakuma and Lokichoggio Sub-county. He emphasized that the centre should not be perceived merely as a source of food, but rather as a facility for emergency cases, where children can receive temporary shelter before being reunited with their families.

The planning and operationalization of the child rescue centre will be overseen by a Joint Committee. This multi-sectoral team includes representatives from the Turkana West Sub-County Administration, Deputy Director of Social Protection, International Rescue Committee, UN Women, UNHCR, UNICEF, the Senior Principal Magistrate, Director of Child Service in charge of Kakuma Refugee Camp, and the Directorate of Refugee Services. Their primary task is to efficiently plan the launch and mobilize resources to support the centre.

Moses Korea, the Chief Officer for ECDE and Social Protection, announced that the launch of the centre is scheduled for December 15, 2023. He expressed gratitude for the multi-sectoral committee’s efforts in planning the event and reiterated the County Government’s commitment to making the centre operational. Korea highlighted the urgent need for the facility, citing the significant number of children on the streets of Kakuma town and Refugee Camp.

The County has invested in the construction of the rescue centre, which includes two dormitories for girls and boys, a kitchen, dining area, storage facilities, two classrooms, an administration block, and a perimeter wall. Additionally, the centre will have electricity connectivity and an elevated steel water tank. Korea proudly noted that Turkana County is among the few in Kenya with standard operating procedures (SOPs) for child rescue centres.

Hebrews Idoka, the Deputy Director for Social Protection, observed that the successful operation of the new centre will require joint support from the government and development partners, ensuring that the community fully realizes the benefits of the rescue centre.