Kakamega County Dedicates Sh. 591 Million to Livestock Development for 2024/2025

Kakamega, Kakamega County – In a significant move to bolster the agriculture sector, Kakamega County has earmarked Sh591 million for livestock development in the 2024/2025 fiscal year. This announcement was made by Bonface Lubanga, the chairman of the Kakamega County Assembly finance committee, during a public participation forum on the County’s Annual Development Plan (ADP) at the Kakamega social hall.

According to Kenya News Agency, the funds will be utilized to upgrade various livestock programs including pigs, rabbits, poultry, and sheep. Specific allocations include Sh6 million for the pig upgrading development program, which will cover the purchase of 1200 pigs, training of 24 farmer groups in pig husbandry and value addition, and promotion of rabbit development. The rabbit development initiative includes the purchase of 300 high-grade rabbits, training of 60 rabbit farmers, and the establishment of four rabbit marketing centers.

The poultry feed promotion program has been allocated Sh4.9 million, and an additional Sh1.5 million will be invested in constructing a poultry feeds factory in the county. Indigenous chicken promotion will receive a substantial portion of the funding, amounting to Sh100 million, while Sh2.6 million has been allocated for establishing a hatchery.

In the goats and sheep sector, Sh42 million has been set aside for the procurement and distribution of Dorper rams and high-grade dairy goats, benefiting approximately 6800 farmers. The county also plans to establish a fully equipped Artificial Insemination (AI) center at a cost of Sh1.6 million.

Addressing livestock health, Lubanga revealed plans to open a veterinary investigative laboratory unit, which will be equipped with essential veterinary pharmaceuticals and vaccines. This move is aimed at enhancing disease control in livestock.

Other sectors that will receive increased funding include beekeeping, value addition in hides and skins, dairy farming through the ‘one cow initiative’, and pasture and fodder development, among others. This comprehensive funding approach demonstrates Kakamega County’s commitment to strengthening its agricultural sector, particularly in livestock development, for the benefit of its residents and the economy.

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