Kajiado Gender Working Groups Focus on Male Involvement in Policy Making

Kajiado, Kenya – In an effort to enhance gender equality and inclusivity, officials from gender sector working groups in Kajiado held a discussion focused on integrating male participation in policy-making and gender-related matters. The meeting centered on overcoming challenges faced by both men and women and improving collaborative efforts.

According to Kenya News Agency, Culture, Tourism, and Wildlife, the key takeaway from the discussion was the necessity of involving men in gender mainstreaming and policy making. The consensus was that male engagement in mentorship programs and economic empowerment is crucial for the success of gender initiatives.

Sereu mentioned that mentorship programs initiated by the Ministry of Gender have revealed a strong demand within the Maa community for such initiatives. To address this need and avoid confusion or duplication of efforts, there will be closer collaboration with the national government to reach broader community segments, including youth and men, in Kajiado County.

County Social Development Officer Mr. Jimmy Njau highlighted efforts towards engaging men in positive parenting through training programs, addressing the issue of children overly depending on their mothers. The officials also discussed alternative engagement strategies for unemployed youths to prevent them from resorting to drugs and to reduce cases of early pregnancies among young girls.

This meeting marks a significant step in Kajiado’s efforts to promote gender equality and inclusivity by recognizing the importance of male involvement in these processes.

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