Justice Paul Mwaniki Gachoka Calls for Stakeholder Collaboration to Combat Corruption in Judiciary

Nairobi, Kenya – Justice Paul Mwaniki Gachoka, a judge at the Court of Appeal, emphasized the importance of centering the public in the justice system to ensure fairness for all during an open-day event themed ‘Enhancing public trust and confidence in the judicial systems through stakeholder engagement, awareness, and sensitization.’ He stressed that achieving public trust in the judiciary requires robust support and cooperation from various stakeholders.

According to Kenya News Agency, trust and confidence result from judicial processes that adequately address the needs of individuals and communities, especially those marginalized and vulnerable. During his speech, he highlighted the detrimental effects of corruption within the judiciary, noting that it not only challenges the court’s integrity in battling corruption but also diminishes its impartiality, affecting all judicial functions. He described corruption as a pervasive issue that acts like a pandemic, undermining societal development, eroding public trust, and contributing to inequality.

Justice Gachoka called for a united effort among stakeholders to combat corruption effectively, underlining the constitutional mandate for the judiciary to eliminate barriers to justice and engage actively with the public. He also pointed out the importance of integrity and accountability as foundational principles that must be upheld to boost public confidence in governance.

Speaking at the same event, High Court Presiding Judge of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Division, Lady Justice Esther Maina, and Kenya Prisons Service Legal Officer Dr. Miriam Nyamwamu also addressed the gathering. They both underscored the critical roles their respective institutions play in the anti-corruption efforts and the necessity of public participation and feedback in enhancing judicial performance and accountability.

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