Justice, education and fraud on the cover of Burkinabe newspapers

The Burkinabè dailies this Tuesday deal with the fight against fraud, the start of the school and academic year 2023-2024, as well as the judicial one 2023-2024.

The private daily L’Express du Faso, published in Bobo-Dioulasso, headlines its front page: ‘Judicial Return 2023-2024: for better treatment of economic and financial offenses’.

The newspaper reports that the solemn hearing for the resumption of the courts of Burkina Faso was held on October 2, 2023 in Ouagadougou, under the presidency of the president of the court of cassation, Mazobé Jean Kondé, in the presence of the head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

According to the daily, it is under the theme “the judicial treatment of economic and financial offenses: inventory and perspectives” that the actors of Burkinabe justice made their return.

By the way, the dean of private daily newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga adds that from the summary report on the theme, it appears that economic and financial crime, a subject of both national and inter
national concern due to its effects, covers a wide range of illegal activities including corruption, embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering.

Referring to another start of the school year, the national daily Sidwaya points out that “the start (was) given in Koudougou”, before adding that “1,025 internally displaced students (are) taken care of in the South-West “.

The newspaper informs that the official launch of the 2023-2024 school year under the theme: ‘contribution of the educational community to the culture of peace, citizenship and social cohesion’ took place on Monday October 2, 2023 at Koudougou provincial high school, in the presence of the Minister in charge of National Education, André Ouédraogo, members of the government and the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Dr Ousmane Bougouma.

According to Sidwaya, the department in charge of national education, in a synergy of actions with all education partners, deployed efforts which made it possible to re-enroll 227,
521 students affected in host establishments.

On the same subject, L’Express du Faso specifies that the minister in charge of national education, André Joseph Ouédraogo indicated that thanks to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP ) and to the educational community, 539 educational structures have reopened to date with a total of 121,643 students returning to class.

Under another aspect, the private daily Le Pays displays: ‘VAT fraud: more than 2.5 billion CFA francs in embezzlement discovered’.

The daily reports that embezzlement on Value Added Tax (VAT) amounting to 563,737,817 CFA francs, apart from fines and penalties, was noted by the National Anti-Fraud Commission (CNLF).

According to Le Pays, the national coordinator of the CNLF, Dr Yves Kafando explained that through a system of forgery and use of forgeries, cautious and misguided Burkinabè people use delaying practices to misappropriate VAT collections.

These are shell companies or even calle
d TAXI companies which lend their Unique Tax Identifier (IFU) numbers to various service providers for several transactions.

By the way, Sidwaya adds that for the coordinator of the CNLF, Dr Yves Kafando, the main ambition of his structure is to fight and stop fraud in tax, customs, economic and environmental matters throughout Burkina Faso.

As for the private newspaper Le Quotidien, it reads on its front page: ‘VAT tax fraud: More than 2 billion in damage committed to the State by a network of fraudsters’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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