Justice and sport dominate the front pages of Burkinabe daily newspapers

Today’s publications echo the extradition of François Compaoré, little brother of the former president of Faso, Blaise Compaoré, the verdict of the trial of the healer of Komsilga without forgetting the last day of the CAN qualifiers where the Stallions face Eswatini in Morocco.

“Komsilga healing affair: 3 years suspended sentence against Adja”, features on its headline, the dean of private daily newspapers in Burkina Faso, L’Observateur Paalga.

The private newspaper reports that on the night of September 6 to 7, 2023 Larissa Nikiéma alias Adja and her other co-defendants met their fate in the so-called “Komsilga healer” case.

According to the Obs, Dame Nikiéma is sentenced to 3 years in prison and a fine of 3 million FCFA., all suspended.

The private daily Le pays specifies that the other defendants were each sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 FCFA, all with a suspended sentence.

The public newspaper Sidwaya, for its part, maintains that Adja and its 8 employees are prosecuted for acts of incitement, arrest, kidnapping and beating of the person of Hamidou Kanazoé.

By the way, the private daily L’Express du Faso, published in Bobo-Dioulasso notes on its first page: “Verdict of the case of the Healer of Komsilga: For some the right has been said”.

On another aspect, the same newspaper exclaims on its front page: “Extradition of François Compaoré: The European Court says no! “.

The colleague indicates that the request for extradition of François Compaoré, the little brother of the former president of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré, has just experienced a development with the opposition of the European Court of Human Rights.

According to him, Mr. Compaoré is one of the main accused in the case of Norbert Zongo, the famous journalist who died on December 13, 1998 on the road to Sapouy.

According to Le journal Privé, the Court judges that there would be a violation of Article 3 of the convention, in the absence of a re-examination of the validity and reliability of the diplomatic assurances provided to France.

The state daily Sidwaya, for its part, recalls that Mr. Compaoré benefits from a reprieve from extradition.

On another aspect, L’Observateur Paalga headlines: “Burkina Faso # Eswatini: Win to keep first place in group B”.

The dean of private newspapers informs that as part of the last day of qualifying for CAN 2023, the Stallions of Burkina will meet the Eswatini team today, in the evening in Morocco.

For him, in the event of victory, Hubert Velud’s men will retain their leading position in Group B.

Sidwaya, for his part, mentions that the Stallions have an experimental attack to approach tonight’s meeting in Morocco.

And the daily Privé Le pays exclaimed on its front page: “Morocco: A talent from Real Madrid invites himself to the training of the A selection”

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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