Joy in Diapaga as Vital Supplies Arrive

East/Tapoa: The town of Diapaga in Tapoa celebrated the arrival of a large supply convoy escorted by the Defense and Security Forces on the night between July 15 and 16, 2024. The convoy’s arrival brought relief to the local population, eagerly awaiting these essential supplies.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the convoy, consisting of around a hundred trucks, was met with cheers and applause as it entered Diapaga, a sign of the community’s gratitude towards the Defense and Security Forces. The operation, which lasted approximately five hours from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., marked the end of a challenging 19-day journey fraught with difficulties.

Residents of Diapaga, including women, men, and children, had lined up along national road 19 for over two hours to witness the arrival. The convoy’s entry into the city was celebrated with standing ovations, singing, dancing, and the chanting of slogans like ‘Long live the FDS’ and ‘Long live President IB’ in front of the Diapaga town hall.

This influx of goods is expected to replenish local stores and ensure the restoration of services reliant on the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL), including water, mobile telephony, and internet connections. The National Water and Sanitation Office (ONEA) also stands to benefit greatly from these supplies.

Moreover, the convoy supplied other regions, including Tanwalbougou, Ougarou, Matiacoali, and Kantchari, and is set to continue its mission to other localities. This operation has also served as a warning to traders who had been speculating heavily on the prices of basic necessities, contributing to stabilizing the local economy.

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