Journalist Rasmané Zongo Proposes Media Improvements for Displaced Persons in Balé

LILLE—Journalist Rasmané Zongo has successfully defended his international Master’s thesis, “Improving access to information for Internally Displaced Persons: the case of La Voix des Balé”, at the École Supérieure de Journalisme and the University of Lille. Conducting his defense remotely on Friday, Zongo highlighted the critical information needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Balé, Burkina Faso.

According to the Burkina Information Agency, La Voix des Balé, a local radio station, has historically neglected the IDP community during the ongoing security and humanitarian crisis in the region. He emphasized the importance of providing timely and precise information to both the host populations and the IDPs to improve cohabitation and access to essential resources like land and water. Zongo proposed that the radio station adapt its program schedule to include broadcasts in local languages tailored to the needs of the displaced, which would also potentially generate revenue for partners.

The research included a detailed analysis of the radio’s programming, surveys, and interviews with humanitarian organizations, service providers, listeners, and IDPs themselves. It revealed a universal access to radio among IDPs, either through mobile phones or radio receivers. Most IDPs expressed a willingness to participate in radio productions and preferred group listening sessions to foster discussions on pertinent issues.

Zongo’s findings underscored a strong desire among IDPs for programs in Mooré, Dioula, Fulfulde, and French, focusing on social cohesion, peace, and vital needs such as food security, health, and education. The IDPs also highlighted the necessity for support in acquiring basic necessities like food, water, healthcare, and education, along with financial assistance, employment opportunities, and civil documentation.

The defense jury, chaired by Fabrice Caudron, deemed Zongo’s work both satisfactory and admissible, praising its focus on a demographic often overlooked by media outlets. The research was recognized for its potential to significantly enhance the welfare of IDPs in Balé through better-informed media engagement.

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