Joint Press Release of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Digital Governance (22.07.2021)


The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Digital Governance are further expanding myConsulLive by including 18 Missions Abroad (Embassies and Consulates General) in 17 countries. Greek citizens and Diaspora Greeks living in these areas will be able to access a number of administrative services of the Greek State without physical presence, via video calls.

From Thursday, July 22, MyConsulLive additionally includes the following:

•    The Greek Embassies in Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Mexico City, Montevideo, Prague, Santiago, Sofia, Tallinn, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw

•    The Consulates General in Los Angeles, Mariupol, San Francisco

With the inclusion of these Greek Missions Abroad, it is now possible to make a digital appointment with a total of 60 Embassies and Consulates in 36 countries. The service was initially launched on a pilot basis in December 2020 through the cooperation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias and of State and Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis, while its design and implementation were carried out by the General Secretariat for Information Systems of the Ministry of Digital Governance, based on similar digital appointment services provided by the Citizens Services Centres (KEP), the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) and the Unified Social Security Fund eEFKA. MyConsulLive is to be gradually expanded to all Greek Missions abroad.

MyConsulLive platform shall provide the following services:

•    Certificate of permanent residency abroad
•    Certificate of marital status or birth
•    Certificate of residence
•    Copies of or excerpts from registrate acts
•    Pension eligibility declaration
•    Applications/reports to Consular Authorities

It is reminded that appointments are scheduled for a specific day and time on Interested parties identify themselves using Taxisnet login credentials (username/password) to confirm their personal data, while at the beginning of the video call identification is made via presentation of ID card or passport.