Joint Press Release of the Ministries of Digital Governance and Foreign Affairs: An additional eight (8) Missions Abroad are included to myConsulLive (Athens, 14. 07. 2022)


The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Digital Governance announce the inclusion of eight (8) additional Consular Authorities in the myConsulLive service. As of Thursday, July 14, 2022, the Embassies of Greece in Beirut, Helsinki, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Singapore, Zagreb as well as the Liaison Office in Pristina and the Consulate General in Vancouver are included in In this way, even more Greek citizens permanently residing abroad and Diaspora Greeks will have the opportunity to handle their cases with the Greek State via video calls.

With the inclusion of these Greek Missions Abroad, it is now possible to make a virtual appointment with a total of 94 Embassies and Consulates General in 72 countries. The Consular Authorities included in the platform, shall provide, via video calls, the following administrative services:

–    Certificate of permanent residency abroad
–    Certificate of marital status or birth
–    Certificate of residency
–    Copies of or extracts from registrate acts
–    Pension eligibility declaration
–    Applications/reports to Consular Authorities

Appointments are scheduled for a specific day and time at Using Taxisnet login credentials (username/password) is required for authentication on the platform, while at the beginning of the video call identification of interested parties is made via presentation of ID card or passport.

It is reminded that this service was initially launched on a pilot basis in December 2020 through the cooperation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias and of State and Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis. Its design and implementation were carried out by the General Secretariat for Information Systems of Public Administration of the Ministry of Digital Governance, based on similar digital appointment services provided by the Citizens Services Centres (KEP), the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), the Unified Social Security Fund (eEFKA), the Hellenic Cadastre (Land Registry) and Municipalities (on a pilot basis the Municipality of Chania).