Islamic Affairs Council President Joins Overnight Tree Planting in Addis Ababa

ADDIS ABABA – Sheikh Ibrahim Tufa, President of the Supreme Council of Ethiopian Islamic Affairs, participated in an overnight tree planting event in Addis Ababa’s Yeka Sub City as part of the national Green Legacy Initiative. Millions of Ethiopians, including religious and government leaders, joined forces to plant 600 million seedlings in a single day, aiming to set a new national record.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Sheikh Ibrahim’s involvement in the ‘Chaka Project’ exemplifies the widespread support from various community leaders for the Green Legacy Initiative, launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019. The initiative focuses on combating climate change and alleviating food insecurity through nationwide reforestation. Sheikh Ibrahim planted several saplings and stressed the importance of the initiative, aligning it with the values of stewardship and community service embraced by the Islamic faith.

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