Isiolo Police Recover Stolen Livestock, Government Vows to Combat Animal Theft


ISIOLO – In a recent operation, Isiolo police successfully recovered 22 goats and a cow stolen four months ago, reaffirming the government’s commitment to combating animal theft. The stolen livestock was handed over to their rightful owners by Isiolo Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Patrick Musango.

According to Kenya New Agency, the police are actively pursuing the criminals responsible for the theft, as well as their firearms. He issued a stern warning to local chiefs and their assistants, emphasizing that the government will not tolerate any collaboration with criminals. He directed them to lead the efforts in locating stolen animals and to take responsibility for tracking the animals as soon as footprints enter their jurisdiction, with the support of security officers.

Musango stated that the Modogashe declaration, aimed at dealing with criminals and their families who support criminal activities, would be fully implemented. He also advised locals to provide precise information and the exact number of stolen animals to law enforcers to facilitate operations to recover the animals.

Further addressing the issue of livestock theft, particularly prevalent along the Isiolo-Meru border, Mr. Musango urged the community to abandon this outdated practice, which hinders the area’s development. He encouraged livestock owners to brand their animals for easy identification in case of theft.

Additionally, Mutuati Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Silvant Mwangulu emphasized the importance of collaboration between National Police Reservists (NPRs) from Meru and Isiolo Counties in curbing cattle rustling. He reminded NPRs of their role as government security officers and the necessity of working together for national security.