Iran Successfully Launches Chamran-1 Satellite into Orbit

Tehran – Iran achieved a significant milestone in its space program on Saturday morning by successfully launching the Chamran-1 research satellite into orbit, as reported by the semi-official Fars news agency.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the Chamran-1 satellite was propelled into space using the domestically developed three-stage solid-fuel Qaem-100 rocket. This launch marks the second mission for the Qaem-100 rocket, underscoring Iran’s advancing capabilities in rocket technology, which was developed by the Aerospace Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.

The satellite, weighing nearly 60 kg, was collaboratively designed and constructed by the space group of Iran Electronics Industries, the country’s Aerospace Research Institute, and various private technology firms. Its primary mission involves testing both software and hardware systems aboard to validate technologies for orbital maneuvering. Additionally, Chamran-1 is tasked with assessing the performance of cold gas propulsion subsystems and navigation and attitude control subsystems within space systems.

In a significant development, Iran’s official news agency IRNA reported that Chamran-1, now operating at an altitude of 550 km above Earth, has successfully transmitted its first signals back to ground control, indicating the satellite’s operational status and the successful execution of its initial objectives.

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