IOM Somalia Programmatic Overview 2020


Established in 2006, IOM Somalia has set a strong record on the delivery of frontline services to crisis-affected populations, while steadily developing models and partnerships for longer term recovery and migration governance.
For the past 15 years, IOM Somalia has committed itself to the principle of humane and dignified treatment of crisis-affected populations in an ever-changing environment, while strengthening partnerships for improved resilience, recovery and migration governance.
Somalia has among the most complex migration landscapes in the world. Millions of Somalis have endured decades of crises driven by persistent insecurity and recurrent natural hazards, which have contributed to a constant flux of individuals from their communities. 2020 was a particularly difficult year for Somalia due to the triple threat of COVID-19, flooding and the desert locust infestation. The COVID-19 preparedness and response dominated most of the interventions in the country, whilst the humanitarian situation remained critical due to recurrent climatic shocks, ongoing conflict, and poor access to basic services and livelihood opportunities. These crises have forced people to be internally displaced, with over 2.9 million considered to be most vulnerable as many of them have exhausted their coping mechanism. On the other hand, thousands of Somalis are returning from the diaspora and contributing to ongoing efforts in sustaining and rebuilding the country.
Furthermore, Somalia is a key source and, to some extent, destination country for migrants in the East and Horn of Africa, as well as the main transit country for migrants from Ethiopia en route to Yemen and onward to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Every year, the thousands of Somalis and migrants who make hazardous journeys along regional migration routes are exposed to severe protection risks and violation of human rights.
To address the overall migration challenges in Somalia, IOM works closely with the Federal Government of Somalia, regional authorities, the UN, donors and civil society by implementing programmes through three pillars: (1) Preparedness and humanitarian response; (2) Long term recovery and durable solutions; and (3) Migration governance and development. With over 650 staff, IOM Somalia operates from its main office in Mogadishu, seven field offices and eight satellite offices, as well as the Nairobi Support Office in Kenya.

Source: International Organization for Migration


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