Ioba: The bishop of the diocese of Diébougou celebrates the feast of the Assumption in the commune of Oronkua

The bishop of the diocese of Diébougou, Mgr Koussiélé Der Raphaël Dabiré celebrated on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, the feast of the Assumption, in the parish of Sainte Thérèse d’Avila de Poulèba in the municipality of Oronkua ( Ioba). On the eve, the high commissioner of the province of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé participated in the activities of the celebration in the said parish.

This year, the parish of Sainte Thérèse d’Avila de Poulèba, in the commune of Oronkua was honored by the bishop of the diocese of Diébougou, Mgr Koussiélé Der Raphaël Dabiré for the celebration of the feast of the Assumption.

According to the parish priest of Poulèba, Father Sègnituo Eric Hien, this celebration is pivotal for the Catholic women of the diocese.

He further explained that the Catholic Women’s Alliance of the parish organized several activities from July 23 to August 15, 2023.

According to him, it is, among other things, the parish day of internally displaced persons (IDPs), the torchlight procession and the vigil of prayers for peace in Faso.

Abbé Hien also mentioned the planting of trees, rehabilitation work on rural tracks and conferences/sensitization on viral hepatitis and the situation of IDPs in Poulèba.

The first leader of the province of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo / Sermé expressed her support for the women of the parish.

Accompanied by the secretary general of the province, André Lankoandé, the prefect and president of the special delegation of the municipality of Oronkua, Victor Dondyré, the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) . Bernadette Adenyo spoke to women at the opening of an awareness campaign on viral hepatitis B and C.

She was delighted with the fact that the women were well organized within their religious structure to take great initiatives for the development of the locality.

The High Commissioner also expressed her satisfaction with the reflections on the identity and role of African women in society and in the Church, because according to her, “the other half of the sky” occupies an important place in society. .

She encouraged women to actively participate in the fight against insecurity by working in perfect harmony with the FDS and the VDP and to pray for the return of peace in Burkina Faso.

Bernadette Adenyo congratulated the president of the alliance of Catholic women, Waalè Somé / Zaw Thérèse d’Avila, the godmother Fati Michelle Dabiré / Tien and the parish priest of Poulèba, Abbé Sègnituo Éric Hien for the themes chosen for the celebration of the feast of the Assumption.

The godmother of the celebration, Fati Michelle Dabiré / Tien pointed out that the women put themselves to work for the success of the celebration.

For Ms. Dabiré, screening for viral hepatitis will allow women to know their serology and control their lifestyle.

The parish priest of Sainte Thérèse d’Avila de Poulèba, indicated that it is an honor for him to host the celebration of the feast of the Assumption which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the parish.

“It is also a responsibility to receive all these women and to experience a celebration that can strengthen the faith of the Christian faithful in general and of Catholic women in particular,” he continued.

To this end, the High Commissioner and her delegation planted fruit trees in the parish of Poulèba.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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