Ioba: More than 2 million FCFA collected during a march in support of the Transition and the Combatant Forces

The provincial coordination of support for the transition of Ioba handed over 2,002,300 FCFA to the administrative authorities during a march/meeting in Dano this Saturday, July 29, 2023 as a contribution to the patriotic support fund .

The Forces vives of the province of Ioba did not haggle over their mobilization to take part in the march in support of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), the volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) and the Transition du Burkina Faso.

They were thousands this Saturday, July 29, 2023 in Dano, of all age groups and all socio-professional strata to travel the national road 12 to show their support for the government of the Transition, the FDS and the VDP.

Also present at this event were customary chiefs and religious leaders. From the town hall of Dano to the gendarmerie to return to the high commission, the marchers chanted slogans in favor of the head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The march was animated from start to finish with the sounds of vuvuzelas and whistles. Some marchers held signs that read, among other things, “yes to the re-reading of the Constitution”, “the elderly of Ioba say no to the cowardly massacres of our FDS children” and “Burkina Faso will always stand”.

In addition to the flag of Burkina, those of Mali, Russia and Niger floated in the hands of the marchers.

It was the prefect, president of the special municipal delegation of Dano Denis Zanré, representing the high commissioner who received the demonstrators at the high commission.

The provincial coordinator of support for the transition of Ioba, Youorikiè Aristide Dabiré delivered the message of the Forces vives.

The national anthem “le Ditanyè” was sung by all the participants as an introduction to his speech.

Youorikiè Aristide Dabiré declared that the objective of this march is to mark the unfailing support of the people of Ioba for the Head of State, his government, the FDS and the VDP for the sacrifice they make every day for the reconquest of the territorial integrity of the homeland.

He hailed the remarkable efforts of the FDS and VDP in Ioba province.

The coordinator has asked for security posts to be set up in certain municipalities.

“The mobilization of the valiant people of Ioba today is the symbol of their attachment to ‘the motherland’ and their commitment to supporting the peace effort,” he continued.

This is why, in the company of the president of the organizing committee, Oumar Zoungrana, he handed over the sum of two million two thousand three hundred (2,002,300) CFA francs to the PDS prefect of Dano as a contribution from the Living Forces of the province. from Ioba to the Patriotic Support Fund.

The prefect, PDS of the commune of Dano Denis Zanré reassured the demonstrators that this sum will be given to whom it may concern to be paid to the Public Treasury.

Mr. Zanré congratulated the members of the provincial coordination of support to the authorities of the transition for their noble initiative.

He thanked all the Forces vives for their mobilization and their generosity, a pledge of their commitment to the effort to restore the entire national territory.

“I welcome the participation of customary and religious authorities in this march for the return of peace to Faso,” he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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