Ioba: End clap for the 4th edition of the cultural and artistic animation days of Ouéssa

The curtains fell on May 27, 2023 on the 4th edition of the Ouéssa cultural and artistic animation days (JACAO) organized by the economic operator Aly Maïga. The competing disciplines were traditional dance (with music of your choice and compulsory music), linguistic purity (Burkinabe national languages) and clothing art.

This edition of the JACAO took place from April 1 to May 27, 2023, under the theme “Culture and academic excellence at the service of social cohesion” . As the theme stipulates, the 4th edition was entirely dedicated to students from high schools and colleges in the municipality of Ouéssa.

According to the CEO of the establishments Aly Maïga et fils (EMAF), promoter of the JACAO, Aly Maïga, the messages of social cohesion and peace can best pass through children.

“Children are the future and we must help them grow because they are able to work well and move forward,” explained the promoter.

Mr. Maïga added that culture is a real vector of rapprochement and therefore of social cohesion. For the CEO of EMAF, the objective has been achieved despite some difficulties encountered.

Academic excellence was celebrated on this occasion to recognize a job well done.

In the final, the competing disciplines were traditional dance (with music of your choice and compulsory music), linguistic purity (Burkinabe national languages) and clothing art.

At the proclamation of the results, the general education college (CEG) of Kolinka occupies the 1st place in music of the choice and receives the sum of 100,000 FCFA. In compulsory music, the private college Nanwinkoun comes first and pockets 100,000 FCFA.

The student Paliwindé Zoungrana, eloquent in Mooré, wins the 1st prize worth 75,000 FCFA in linguistic purity.

In clothing Rahinatou Gansané, out in traditional Bissa dress, receives the sum of 75,000 FCFA for the 1st prize. The first three in each discipline received a prize.

In addition to culture, the three best students of the sixth and second classes of the commune of Ouéssa were encouraged by prizes. In 6th grade, the 1st student is Tiè Ta Tinir Somda with an annual average of 19.25/20. He wins a bicycle and a school kit.

The prefect, president of the special communal delegation of Ouéssa Ismaël Sanogo expressed his satisfaction for the annual organization of the JACAO.

He was delighted with the involvement of the students in this cultural activity, anything that consolidates living together from an early age.

On behalf of sponsor Galip Somé and co-sponsor Angélique Somé, sponsor Eveline Sanou/ Dabiré said that the initiative to organize the JACAO is great.

She argues that we need to educate the younger generation so that they are interested in culture and its content. This allows them to understand and learn what is happening in themselves and in others, she continued.

For the secretary general of the province of Ioba André Lankoandé, the JACAO constitute one of the major cultural events in Ioba.

The 2023 edition dedicated to students has made it possible to create the desire to practice our culture, underlined André Lankoandé.

He congratulated the students for their performances and thanked the promoter and the organizing committee for the success of the activity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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