International Relations co-hosts inaugural Information Communication Technology Cyber Dialogue, 28 Sept


South Africa and United Kingdom to co-host Cyber Dialogue
The Republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom will co-host the inaugural Information Communication Technology (ICT) Cyber Dialogue on Tuesday, 28 September 2021.
The establishment of this Dialogue arises from the meeting held at DIRCO in January 2020, where a number of areas of particular interest for South Africa were discussed, which include areas on connectivity and access; combatting cybercrime; emerging technologies; and peace and security.
It is envisaged that the Dialogue will focus on four thematic areas, namely: threat information exchange; sustainability and capacity building; standards and regulation; and cyber-governance.
The UK has established Cyber Offices staffed by technical and policy officers in various missions around the world. The Africa Cyber Network will be supported by UK cyber officials in Abuja, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa, which forms the corps of their African Cyber Network.

Source: Government of South Africa


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