International community condemns US blockade of Cuba for the 30th year in a row


UNITED NATIONS, Nov 4 (NNN-ACN) — The international community again backed Cuba at the UN General assembly by overwhelmingly voting the island-sponsored resolution entitled “Necessity to End the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.”

With 185 votes in favor of the Cuban resolution, the world against sent a loud and clear message to the Washington about the need to lift its policy of sanctions against the Cuban people, although successive administrations have turned a deaf ear to the world claim over the past three decades.

Only two countries voted against – USA and Israel – while Brazil and Ukraine abstained from voting.

Once again the world claim revealed the isolation of the United States in keeping up its cruel policy which violates international law, wrote Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on his Twitter account.

In his remarks at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, Minister Rodriguez said that the blockade has had the effect of a permanent pandemic, a constant hurricane which has met the universal rejection.



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