Voter registration this weekend for wards to be contested in municipal by- elections on 04 May 2022
Voter registration will be held this weekend for four (4) municipal ward by-elections scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 04 May 2022.
Voting stations in the wards listed below will be open this Saturday, 19 March 2022 and Sunday, 20 March 2022, from 08h00 to 17h00 to allow all eligible voters to register and for current voters to check their registration details and to provide/update address details where necessary.
Voters should take their identity document (ID) with them – either a green barcoded ID book, a smartcard ID, or a valid Temporary ID Certificate. They will also need to complete their physical home address on registration or provide sufficient particularities of their place of residence. Documented proof of address (e.g. a municipal account) is not required.
Voters may also check and update their details at their local (municipal) Electoral Commission (IEC) office weekdays during office hours.
Voters are reminded that it is a criminal offence to register and vote in a ward in which they are not ordinarily resident.
Special voting will take place at voting stations as well as through home visits on 03 May 2022 between 08h00 and 17h00. Voters wishing to apply to cast a special vote can apply at their local IEC office during office hours between 19 April and 22 April 2022.
Applications for special votes can also be made online via the IEC’s website, is external). Once voters have applied online they will receive an SMS notifying them of the outcome when their application has been processed. They can also check the status of their special vote application online at is external).
Voters can also apply for special votes via cellphone by SMSing their identity number to 32249 (Charged at R1). The SMS application facility is only available for those applying to cast a special vote at their voting station and NOT for home visits.
For more information on these by-elections contact your local (municipal) IEC office weekdays during office hours. Contact details for all IEC offices are available on the IEC website at is external) under Contact Us.
The by-elections will be held under strict new COVID-19 protocols aimed at ensuring the safety of voters, election staff, party agents, observers and other stakeholders. These include implementing strict social distancing practices outside and inside voting stations along with the use of hand sanitisers as voters enter and exit the voting station.
Voters, election staff and all those entering the voting station will be required to wear a mask at all times. Voters are also encouraged to bring their own pens to mark their ballot papers, although pens will be provided and sanitized after each use.
For more information on these by-elections contact your local (municipal) IEC office weekdays during office hours. Contact details for all IEC offices are available on the IEC website at is external) under Contact
Media enquiries:
Kate Bapela
Cell: 082 600 6386
For media interviews: Please email requests to [email protected](link sends e-mail)
To check that you’re registered for the elections, please log on to is external) or send a text message to: 32810
For information on elections, please send the text message “Hi” to: 0600 88 0000
The cut-off dates for the various electoral processes for these by-elections are as follows:
25 March: Notice calling the by-election on or before, and opening of nomination of candidates
28 March: Open inspection voters’ roll for objections
04 March: Close inspection voters’ roll for objections
08 March: Electoral Commission to decide on objections to voters’ roll
11 March: Certification of voters’ roll
11 March: Cut-off date and time for submission of nomination of candidates
12 April: Cut-off date to notify party/independent nominator of non-compliance of outstanding candidate documents
14 April: Notices: List of and particulars pertaining to voting stations and mobile voting stations
14 April: Cut-off date for party/independent nominator to submit ID copy and/or signed Acceptance of Nomination
19 April: Opening of applications for special votes
19 April: Compilation and certification of lists of candidates contesting a ward
19 April: Issue certificates to candidates
22 April: Closing of applications for special votes
03 May: Special votes at voting stations and special vote hone visits, 08h00 to 17h00
04 May: By-Election date
Source: Government of South Africa