Ouagadougou, Burkina – Ida Dabré was crowned the winner of the 4th edition of Miss Golden T International on Saturday, November 25, in Ouagadougou, in a ceremony dedicated to breast cancer awareness.
According to Burkina Information Agency, Dabré stood out for her beauty, eloquence, and commitment to supporting breast cancer victims and their families. During the competition, Dabré emphasized the importance of psychological care in addition to medical treatment for breast cancer patients. She surpassed Nadège Palé and Roukiatou Wendemi Ouédraogo, who were the first and second runners-up, respectively. The event, initiated by journalist and fashion enthusiast Angélina Kiswendsida Ouibga, featured parades, traditional dances, and project presentations by six candidates. Promoter Angélina Kiswendsida Ouibga and co-sponsor Marie Blanche Kantiono highlighted the event’s aim to raise awareness and understanding of breast cancer. The Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, sponsored the event, represented by Alimata Sawadogo. Testimonies from breast cancer survivors and fashion shows by Burkinabè designers marked the evening, with plans for the 5th edition next year already underway.