‘Ibrahim Traoré did not come to serve himself, but to serve the Burkinabe people,’ his supporters proclaim

Thousands of demonstrators called on Thursday for the adoption of a new Constitution more in line with the realities of Burkina. They also reaffirmed their support for President Ibrahim Traoré, who came not to ‘serve himself, but to serve the Burkinabè people’.

‘We demand our Burkinabe-style Constitution. Never again the one that the settler imposed on us, never again the one tailored to the measure of certain individuals,’ indicated the spokesperson for the national coordination of civil society organizations (CSO), Gislain Dabiré.

For him, the failure of the current Constitution in the context of international relations shows the failure to take into account Burkinabè realities in this Constitution.

Gislain Dabiré spoke Friday at a meeting organized by the national coordination of CSOs during which demonstrators demanded a new Constitution and reaffirmed their support for the Transition regime.

He called on protesters to support the government so that it can begin the process of changing the current

The organizers of the rally, to make their message accessible to all, took it up in the national languages Moore, Dioula and Fulfudé.

Mr. Dabiré also urged everyone to be extremely vigilant against those who want to destabilize the government in place.

‘Today we came out in large numbers, we are not talking about an association or a federation, it is all those who accompany Ibrahim Traoré in his fight for the total sovereignty of this country,’ informed the President of the federation of Burkina Rampart associations, Omar Michel Kopia.

Mr. Kopia indicated that the new constitution that they are demanding must have clear texts which will prohibit, among other things, homosexuality in Burkina Faso and leave no door open for these practices to take hold in our society.

He reaffirmed the support of civil society for the President of the Transition and indicated that ‘this gentleman did not come to serve himself, but to serve the Burkinabè people’.

‘The current Constitution that we inherited fr
om the settler has never taken into account our cultures, our morals, our justice as a Burkinabe people,’ insisted for his part the Secretary General of the Faso ma Patria movement, Toussaint Zié.

Mr. Zié added to these remarks by saying that to achieve total and complete sovereignty, we must reread the current constitution to integrate our socio-cultural realities and take into account the aspirations of the people.

The SG of the Faso ma Patria movement welcomed the dynamics of the current government which, according to him, breaks with old practices which were, among other things, marked by neo-colonialism and imperialism.

Note that this demonstration comes 3 days after the gathering of many people who came out to express their support for the transition following a foiled coup

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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