Houet/Mediator of Faso: Soon a new premises for the Regional Delegation of the Cascades

The High Commissioner of the province of Comoé, Hamidou Idrissa Massa, launched on Wednesday April 12, 2023 in Banfora, the repair works of an administrative building which will now serve as premises for the delegation region of the Mediator of the Faso des Cascades.

In order to allow the personnel of the regional delegation of the Cascades of the Mediator of Faso to be in better working conditions, the administrative authorities found the building of the former prefecture of Banfora, unoccupied for a few months.

Its rehabilitation, launched on Thursday April 12, 2023 in Banfora for three weeks of work, is entirely financed by the New Sugar Company of Comoé (SN-SOSUCO), at more than 5,000,000 CFA francs.

According to the Director General of SN-SOSUCO, Mouctar Koné, this gesture is justified by the fact that the Mediator of Faso is an important structure in the management of conflicts.

“In the current context, it is absolutely necessary that certain conflicts can be managed in a traditional way, because it is almost this system that the Mediator of Faso uses. Instead of people lugging around all the time in court or elsewhere, it is always better to go through the Mediator of Faso first before considering other avenues,” Mr. Koné said.

The regional delegate of the Faso des Cascades Mediator, Adja Salimata Gnanou, was delighted that the cry of the heart of her structure was heard.

The Mediator of Faso plays the role of interface between the public administration and the citizens, defends and protects the rights and interests of the citizens against abuses and dysfunctions in the public administration.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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