Houet: A cross-border community conflict management project launched in the Hauts-Bassins and Sikasso regions

The Humanitarian Association SOS Children, in collaboration with Interpeace, launched on Thursday March 16, 2023 in Koloko, the Brick by Brick Project: Support for the prevention and management of cross-border community conflicts in the regions of Haut-Bassins and Sikasso, funded by the Patrip Foundation.

The SOS Children Association of Orodara and Interpeace want to prevent and/or manage community conflicts on the Burkina-Mali border strip.

To this end, they launched, on Thursday March 16, 2023 in Koloko, the Brick by Brick Project: Support for the prevention and management of cross-border community conflicts in the Haut-Bassins and Sikasso regions.

Funded by the Patrip Foundation, the project therefore aims to reduce community conflicts on the border strip (Mali-Burkina) in these respective regions of Burkina Faso and Mali.

The launch workshop was attended by participants from the communes of Finkolo and Danderesso in the Republic of Mali and those of Koloko and Sindo in Burkina Faso.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of SOS Children, Apollinaire Kam, welcomed the presence of the participants from Mali.

For him, this presence of Malian “friends and brothers” is proof of their attachment to peace and social cohesion.

He also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Interpeace and its financial partner, Patrip, for their support in the implementation of this project.

According to the President of the special delegation of Koloko, Yamba Yaméogo, cross-border cooperation between the regions of Sikasso and Hauts-Bassins is an opportunity for peace, stability, economic and social development in the region.

He welcomed the launch of this project which, he hoped, will help communities manage natural resources and common production infrastructure fairly and transparently.

During the work of this meeting, the participants were treated to communications on the life of the SOS Children association based in Orodara and on the presentation of the Brick by Brick Project: support for the prevention and management of community and cross-border conflicts. in the Hauts-Bassins and Sikasso regions.

The various communications were made by the operations coordinator of the SOS Children association, Babou Nagalo.

The Interpeace mission also exchanged with the cross-border commission for the revival of activities.

At the end of the proceedings, the Central Sub-Prefect of Sikasso, Drissa Coulibaly, on behalf of the Malian delegation, reiterated his thanks to the organizers for the warm welcome.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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