Home Affairs Committee Considers Amendments to Electoral Commission Act


The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs has recently deliberated on the Electoral Commission Amendment Bill, introduced as a Private Members Bill by Dr. Annelie Lotriet MP. The committee has decided to allocate additional time for members to conduct further consultations on the Bill.

According to Parliament of South Africa, the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Electoral Commission Act of 1996. It aims to clarify the President’s authority to declare a national referendum and enable a Premier of a province to call a provincial referendum within their jurisdiction. Additionally, the Bill proposes the repeal of the Referendums Act of 1983. This period of further consultation is not only for the committee members but also allows the Department of Home Affairs and the Electoral Commission of South Africa to evaluate the Bill’s implications on their operations and contribute meaningfully to its development. Once this consultation phase is concluded, the committee plans to schedule the Bill for more in-depth deliberation and subsequent processing.