Help Line For Gender-Based Violence Launched

Gender-based violence victims in Kirinyaga County now have relief after the office of the county women’s representative established a helpline.

Jane Njeri Maina, county women’s representative in Kirinyaga said she has engaged some experts in her county office to deal with gender-based violence incidents, which are on the increase in the county.

She said Kirinyaga is among the counties with very high incidents of suicide, which is as a result of family disputes, issues which can be prevented if action is taken in time.“We are encouraging our people to take advantage of this helpline and report, open up so that they can get the necessary help,” she said.

Njeri was speaking Sunday at Kagumo market when she launched a three-month campaign dubbed Triple T campaign against gender-based violence, early teenage pregnancies, and mental health.

The launch was also attended by several legislators who included Kisii Woman Rep Doris Donya, her Embu Counterpart Njoki Njeru, Nandi’s Cynthia Muge, Mathira Legislator Eric Wamumbi and some local MCAs led by host Kinyua Wangui of Mutira Ward.

She said the campaign targets secondary school students in Kirinyaga County among other members of the community.

The legislator said a concerted effort should be put in place urging the county government to take the initiative and avail amenities for mental health patients.

Meanwhile, the legislators present, both County and National Assemblies, condemned a recent move by the Supreme Court to allow the registration of same sex associations contrary to the order of nature.

Donyo, who is passionate about natural marriage, wondered how a same sex union could work.

The Legislators vowed to fight the matter which was only unnatural, unAfrican, and also ungodly.

The gathering at Kagumo comprised of secondary school students, unemployed youth, young parents and various stake holders who were expected to champion anti-gender-based violence campaigns, metal health awareness and teen pregnancies and FGM until the vices were eradicated from the society.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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