Helicopters Deployed for KCSE Exam Material Delivery Amid Garissa Floods

Masalani, Kenya – The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination materials have taken to the skies, with the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) deploying two helicopters in Masalani town, aimed at ensuring uninterrupted delivery to areas affected by heavy rains in Garissa County.

According to Kenya News Agency, these aircraft are crucial in transporting examination materials to and from various locations within Ijara sub-county and the entirety of Hulugho sub-county, as the persistent rainfall has rendered some roads untraversable. The decision comes as a strategic response to ensure that the ongoing examination process is not hindered by natural calamities.

Ijara sub-county Director of Education, Ibrahim Odowa, has stated that despite the severe weather challenges, the KCSE examinations are proceeding without disruption. The region has experienced flash floods that have significantly damaged infrastructure, including the washing away of bridges and roads, isolating towns and making regular transport methods unreliable.

Mr. Odowa further mentioned the security measures in place for invigilators, particularly given the proximity to the Somalia border. Historically, the region has seen attacks on examination centers by the militant group Al Shabaab, but Mr. Odowa assured that the government has allocated sufficient security to prevent such incidents and safeguard the examination process.

The Deputy County Commissioners for both Ijara and Hulugho, Wachira Chempton and David Luka respectively, have confirmed that the government’s commitment to providing security remains steadfast for the eight examination centers within their jurisdictions.

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