Health Workers in Manga Trained on Universal Health Insurance Law


Manga, Zoundwéogo – Approximately twenty health professionals from the Manga health district embarked on a two-day training session focusing on social protection and the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU), aimed at bolstering their understanding and implementation of the law.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the training, which began on Friday, was organized by the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organizations (SPONG) in collaboration with the Zak La Yilguemdé Association (AZLY). Aimée Yaméogo, the executive secretary of AZLY, stated during the opening ceremony that the purpose of the session is to enhance the capabilities of health workers in the district regarding social protection and RAMU. She emphasized that the RAMU is designed to increase access to quality health services across the country without financial hardship for the users.

Yaméogo noted that the implementation of RAMU in Burkina Faso is progressing well, with the legal and regulatory frameworks and the related implementation decrees already in place. The training session, supported by UNICEF, attracted health workers from various facilities in the district, including doctors, nurses, midwives, obstetricians, and social workers.

Dr. Inoussa Sawadogo, the chief medical officer of the Manga health district, highlighted the timeliness of the session. He pointed out the fragmented understanding of RAMU among health workers and stressed the training as a crucial step towards uniform knowledge enhancement. “It is an opportunity for us to have this training session for the benefit of health workers, who had fragmentary information, and who, today, will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge on this approach, to better prepare themselves and to raise more awareness among beneficiaries so that when it comes to implementation, we are truly as effective as possible,” he explained.

Dr. Sawadogo expressed hopes that by the end of the session, participants would fully grasp the RAMU approach and actively disseminate this information within their communities, thereby acting as key informers on the benefits of the scheme.