Health on appointment of Dr Lwazi Manzi to AU Commission on Coronavirus COVID-19


Dr Lwazi Manzi to move to AU Commission on COVID-19
On 24 June 2021, The Presidency issued a statement announcing the establishment of the African Union Commission on COVID-19.
The Commission has been established to support H.E. MC Ramaphosa in his capacity as AU COVID-19 Champion, as appointed by the AU Bureau of Assembly of Heads of State.
In this press release, it was stated that, “the Commission will work within the established African Continental Strategy structures and will be supported by a Secretariat.” Dr. Lwazi Manzi has been duly appointed as Head of Secretariat of the AU Commission on COVID-19.
Dr. Manzi will therefore be concluding her service as the Media Liaison Officer of the Minister of Health in South Africa on 30 June 2021.
“It has been a singular honour to serve as the Health Minister’s spokesperson during a pivotal period in the history of medicine- firstly during the introduction of the National Health Insurance to Parliament and the people of South Africa and secondly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moving to the AU Commission on COVID-19 is but a continuation of the work I have been doing but this time at a continental and multilateral level. I look forward to continue to serve our beautiful nation and the continent at large,” said Dr Manzi.
On behalf of the Department of Health, the DG of Health Dr Buthelezi, “wish Dr Manzi well in her new role, and wish to assure of our support as the Department is at the centre of Covid management”.
From 1 July 2021 all media queries for the acting Minister of Health may be sent to Hlengiwe Nhlabathi-Mokota and media queries for the Department of Health may be sent to Mr Popo Maja.

Source: Government of South Africa


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