Green Legacy Initiative Hailed as Vital Inheritance for Future Generations, Emphasizes Elderly Participants

WEST GONDAR ZONE, Amhara – Elders participating in the Green Legacy Initiative’s “Dawn to Dusk” tree-planting campaign today in West Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, expressed that the program is a crucial inheritance for future generations. Participants, including Emahoy Azanash Seyoum, a nun from Genda Wuha town, emphasized the significance of passing on a sustainable environment to the youth.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, seedlings represent a “precious legacy” that sustains life and ensures the well-being of future generations. The participants, which included other elderly individuals and religious leaders like Sheikh Ahmed Jibril, shared that their involvement aimed to set a moral and practical example for younger people, highlighting the importance of living in harmony with nature and adhering to spiritual teachings that promote care for the earth. Sheikh Ahmed stressed the spiritual duty of ensuring a livable future, which aligns with divine commandments.

West Gondar Zone’s Deputy Administrator and Head of the Agriculture Department, Andarge Getu, detailed the day’s activities, which involved planting indigenous and economically valuable tree species across 24 kebeles in the zone. Andarge emphasized the community’s role in not only planting but also nurturing these seedlings to maturity, reflecting a communal commitment to environmental stewardship.

Launched in 2019 by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Green Legacy Initiative aims to address environmental degradation, climate change effects, and boost eco-tourism through extensive reforestation efforts and green job creation, engaging citizens from all demographics, including school children and the elderly, in a collective environmental effort.

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