Governor Reiterates Benefits of New Political Administrative Division


Cuanza Norte: The new Political Administrative Division (DPA) created by presidential decree will reduce regional asymmetries and bring development to the different sectors of public life, reiterated the governor of Cuanza Norte, Joo Diogo Gaspar. The governor, who was speaking on the occasion of the Day of the Martyrs of Colonial Repression, celebrated on January 4, said that the new DPA, in force since January 1 of this year, will also reduce the distances that citizens had to travel to find state administrative services.

According to Angola Press News Agency, the governor pointed out that this measure will allow the construction of infrastructure to support municipal administrations, as well as the education, health, and road sectors, among others. “In addition to bringing the regions closer together, the newly created provincial and municipal districts will have their own budgets and infrastructure to improve the lives of the population,” said the governor.

In Cuanza Norte, seven municipalities were transformed into municipalities, namely Aldeia Nova and Caculo Caba§a (Banga), Tango and Lu­nga (Ambaca), Terreiro (Bolongongo), Massangano (Cambambe), and Cerca (Golungo Alto).