Governor of Boucle du Mouhoun Region Assesses Flood Impact in Hèrèdougou and Implements Safety Measures

PA—Pierre Bassinga, the governor of the Boucle du Mouhoun region, led a delegation of administrative authorities to the flood-stricken village of Hèrèdougou on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, to demonstrate the nation’s solidarity with the affected population and assess the situation. The visit came after road traffic on National Road 1 was temporarily halted due to severe flooding in the village.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the water level had risen to over 1.5 meters, submerging a stretch of more than four kilometers and rendering the village bridge completely impassable. Captain Boris Ouédraogo, commander of the Boromo National Fire Brigade, reported that the water level continued to rise throughout the morning until the delegation’s arrival. Technicians from the General Water Directorate confirmed that the water would not recede anytime soon.

In response to the situation, Governor Bassinga issued a press release on August 21, 2024, informing residents near the Grand Balé River and users of National Road 1 that traffic is strictly prohibited on the flooded section until further notice. The governor urged the public to exercise caution, follow safety instructions, and stay informed about weather and hydrological updates.

The flooding has caused significant material damage in Hèrèdougou, transforming the village into a large lake and displacing over 300 people, according to provisional figures from the provincial management in charge of humanitarian action, supported by local Red Cross volunteers. The governor’s delegation visited displaced residents who had taken refuge in the village school, local church, and relatives’ homes. The governor reassured them of the nation’s support and promised that emergency relief from the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR) would arrive soon.

Governor Bassinga also urged parents to keep a close watch on their children to prevent accidents and reminded residents to avoid building in flood-prone areas for their safety. The governor was accompanied by the secretary-general of Balé province, the prefects of PA and Boromo, heads of defense and security forces, and regional and provincial directors responsible for water, infrastructure, agriculture, and humanitarian action.

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