Government Unveils Ambitious Economic Growth Plan Targeting 7.2% GDP Increase by 2027

WAJIR COUNTY – The government has officially launched the Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) for 2023-2027, which is set to bolster the country’s economic growth significantly. This strategic plan aims to increase the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the current 4.8% to 7.2% by the fiscal year 2027/2028.

According to Kenya New Agency, who spoke at the MTP IV County Dissemination Forum in Wajir, the plan is part of the broader Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and aligns with long-term development goals set to extend until 2063. Bashir highlighted that MTP IV will focus on key sectors such as agriculture, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), housing, healthcare, and digital infrastructure, with substantial investments planned to drive economic growth and foster inclusive prosperity.

During the launch, President Ruto’s remarks, delivered by the PS, outlined several critical infrastructure initiatives under MTP IV. These include constructing 6,000km of new roads, upgrading over 101,000km of existing roads, and installing 277 footbridges to improve connectivity across Kenya. Additionally, the plan encompasses the construction of one million affordable housing units, the extension of 4,600km of high-voltage transmission lines, and an expansion of the national fiber-optic network by 100,000km.

The government also commits to implementing significant reforms aimed at enhancing judicial independence, improving law enforcement efficiency, and addressing financial practices detrimental to economic health, such as predatory lending. The hustler fund initiative is one of the measures intended to mitigate such issues.

Social and sectoral initiatives are also pivotal to MTP IV, with plans to expand the Women Enterprise Fund and provide subsidized fertilizer to enhance agricultural productivity. In education, the government aims to recruit 56,000 teachers and launch the National Open University at Konza Technopolis, initially accommodating 1,000 students.

Healthcare will see transformative changes with the enactment of the Social Health Insurance Act (2023), aiming for Universal Health Coverage through the development of Primary Health Care Networks and the deployment of 100,000 Community Health Promoters.

President Ruto underscored the commitment to creating employment opportunities through investments in special economic zones and industrial parks and improving market access for MSMEs.

Wajir County Commissioner Karuku Ngumo emphasized the importance of inclusivity and local empowerment in implementing MTP IV. He highlighted the need for solutions tailored to Wajir’s unique conditions and urged local leaders and communities to engage actively in the plan’s implementation, stressing the critical role of community feedback and collaboration.

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