Government Provides Emergency Relief to Flood Victims in Kwale County

Kwale – In response to the recent severe flooding in Kwale County, the government has distributed a range of emergency relief items to communities affected by the ongoing heavy rains. Residents in Msambweni sub-county, who are currently in internally displaced camps, received essential supplies including rice, beans, canned meat, cooking utensils, iron sheets, mattresses, blankets, sanitary towels, and basic healthcare services.

According to Kenya News Agency, approximately 680 families have been displaced and left homeless by the floods, which have claimed the lives of at least five people. This flooding is considered the worst in recent years in the region. Local schools have been converted into shelters for the internally displaced, disrupting education. The full extent of crop damage is yet unclear, but many farmers in the area have reported significant losses.

The situation has reportedly overwhelmed aid agencies, indicating a need for stronger coordination in the response efforts. The relief items were distributed by Peninah Malonza, the Cabinet Secretary for East African Community Affairs, ASAL, and Regional Development, alongside Salim Mvurya, the Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs. The officials conducted both aerial and ground surveys of the affected areas and were briefed on the damage and ongoing relief efforts by Governor Fatuma Achani and County Commissioner Meru Mwangi.

The ministers directed all aid agencies involved in relief operations to intensify their rescue and relief efforts. They attributed the flash floods across the country to prolonged torrential rainfall. CS Malonza emphasized that her ministry is addressing the escalating humanitarian needs caused by the increased number of affected persons nationwide due to above-normal rainfall. She stated that the government has allocated relief supplies to priority hotspot counties and is working to address the humanitarian situation.

CS Malonza also mentioned that the government, along with various stakeholders, is mobilizing resources to support flood-affected communities, safeguard livelihoods and properties, and undertake emergency repairs and maintenance of infrastructure. CS Mvurya highlighted his ministry’s efforts, including setting aside boats on standby to transport marooned communities and individuals during heavy downpours, and prioritizing the evacuation of stranded coastal communities.

Malonza urged residents in the most affected areas across the country to relocate to higher grounds to protect their lives and properties. Governor Achani noted that special teams are being formed to repair damaged roads, restore power infrastructure, and provide health-related assistance.

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