Government Plans Better Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities in Angola.


LUANDA: Members of the Koisans, Vátuas, and Mukubais communities in the provinces of Cunene, Cuando Cubango, Huíla, Namibe, and Moxico will have improved access to basic social services following the approval of the Plan for the Inclusion and Protection of the Rights of Ethnic Minority Groups. This information was disclosed by Ângelo Cambera, the executive secretary of the National Council for Social Action, during the presentation of the plan to administrative authorities in Cunene province.

According to Angola Press News Agency, the initiative is spearheaded by the head of the Executive Branch and aims to deliver a range of services to these communities. The plan, set to be reviewed by the Council of Ministers in the next 20 days, is a response to a diagnosis that highlighted the vulnerable situation of these groups and outlined necessary actions for their better inclusion.

Cambera elaborated that the plan includes interventions in health, education, water supply, social protection, productive inclusion,
small animal husbandry, and land administration. He emphasized the acute vulnerability of these groups, citing a lack of essential services such as education, health, and agriculture.

The plan will also provide agricultural inputs and develop income-generating programs to support families economically, as these communities currently lack the resources to meet their needs. Training for local leaders is also a component of the plan, aiming to encourage community participation in government programs.

Additionally, the plan involves grouping and resettling families into specific areas to facilitate government support. The meeting further discussed the support plan for the municipal children’s project, created by the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Woman Promotion, to enhance the protection and development of minors.

The ‘Child-Friendly Municipality Project’ acknowledges municipal efforts in children’s development and calls for collective involvement in child protection. In Cunene, the Social Action Offic
e oversees 3,590 members of the Koinsan community across several municipalities, demonstrating the scale of the initiative.