Government condemns attacks on Minister Aaron Motsoaledi


Attacks of Minister Motsoaledi condemned
The now expired Zimbabwean Exemption Permit (ZEP) which was initiated in 2017 was deliberated by Cabinet on the 24 November 2021. Out of those deliberations Cabinet decided to no longer issue extensions to the Zimbabwean special dispensations. However, Cabinet decided on a 12 months grace period at the expiry of the current Zimbabwe Exemption Permit.
During this period the holders of this permit should apply for other permits appropriate to their particular status or situation. This decision was motivated by our desire to ensure that eligible Zimbabweans can regularize their stay in South Africa. We appeal to the holders of this permit to use the 12 months to regularize their status in South Africa.
Given the above we find the numerous social media attacks on Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi misplaced and should be condemned in the strongest term. Minister in the Presidency said “the decisions of the executive are never decisions of an individual, rather they represent a collective decision”
South Africa is governed by the rule of law, and as such all within its borders are expected to adhere to the law. The enforcement of border controls are applied to all nationalities who try to enter the country illegally as part of this country’s border management policies.

Source: Government of South Africa


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