Government Communications on commencement of public comments on the revised MAC Charter Sector Code


Commencement of public comments on the revised MAC Charter Sector Code

Today, 15 February 2023 the MAC Charter Council held a virtual engagement to resume a series of stakeholder consultations regarding public comments on the revised Marketing, Advertising and Communication (MAC) Charter Sector Codes.

The stakeholder consultations are scheduled to take place in all nine provinces in South Africa starting in Eastern Cape on 16th February 2023.

The inaugural consultation session was attended by representatives from civil society, the Marketing, Advertising and Communication sector, government as well as Charter Council members.

All stakeholders were afforded an opportunity to submit inputs towards the review of the current charter code.

Mr Angelo Tandy, Chairperson of the MAC Charter Council said “The MAC Charter Council public consultations on the Revised Sector Codes is an important step towards ensuring that there is alignment in the manner in which transformation is measured in the country. We are appealing to all stakeholders in the MAC sector to participate in our process through providing us with written and oral submissions, which will ensure that the sector is monitored in future”.

Source: Government of South Africa