Government Assures KCSE Graduates of a Clear Career in TVET


Nairobi: The government has assured the 716,121 candidates of the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) who missed out on the university entry points that the Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector presents a clear career pathway and was ready for them. Speaking at the Kabete National Polytechnic, the Principal Secretary State Department for TVET, Dr. Esther Thaara Muoria, rallied all the said candidates to join TVET institutions, adding that TVET presents an opportunity for the students to acquire practical, cutting-edge industrial skills that are market driven.

According to Kenya News Agency, out of the 962,512 candidates who sat for their 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, only 246,391 candidates attained university entry points, leaving the 716,121 candidates to pursue technical training. The PS noted that the TVET sector has scaled up in terms of curriculum, and it is currently implementing Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) as well as dual training that equips trainees with cutting-edge, industrial, market-driven skills so that they can favourably compete in both local and international labour markets.

‘The TVET sector is committed to offering accessible, affordable, and relevant training that meets both national and international standards,’ echoed Dr. Muoria. Addressing the press at the Polytechnic, the PS further assured the parents and guardians of those 716,121 that TVET has put in place requisite measures for their seamless training in the TVET sector.

The Principal Secretary noted that the TVET sector is now fully set to competently train the Kenyan youth because it has a TVET curriculum in place and that the curriculum will be improved from time to time in line with emerging industry demands. PS Muoria used the opportunity to demystify the perennial notion that has been held by many that TVET is a lesser alternative.

‘I want to be in a hurry to say that young people should realise that we are all differently made; TVET is only the other alternative; it is not the lesser alternative, and I want to put a big no to that. TVET is only the other alternative, and if anything, I dare say TVET is the better option because in TVET we are going to train you on how to do things and on how to get things done,’ said the PS. She noted that through the various initiatives by the government, such as the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) and the County Aggregation and Industrial Parks, TVET is ready to effectively skill the 716,121 youths in the various disciplines of their choice.