Gourma: Three civil society structures invited the population of the East to a large meeting in support of Captain Ibrahim Traoré

The population of the Eastern region came out again to express their attachment to the power of the Transition during a large meeting.

Following the call of the coalition of three (03) civil society structures that are the Burkina Remparts movement, the Burkina-Russian Friendship Association and the Yelema Honoronya collection, a human tide went to the place des martyrs to proclaim their unwavering support for the Transition.

The president of the eastern regional coordination of the Burkina Remparts movement, Seydou Couldiati, indicated that they want to prove their adherence to the actions of the current power such as the recruitment of security auxiliaries (VDP) to strengthen the republican army.

He also expressed his disagreement with certain international decisions that limited the development of Burkina Faso.

Also, he added, through this meeting, these three civil society structures want to bring the different communities together because social cohesion is one of the key concerns of IB.

In this momentum, the citizen Georgette Thiombiano on behalf of the women of the Eastern region declared: “We, all the women, we thank his Excellency Ibrahim Traoré and all of his government, to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), to the VDP for their many sacrifices and their uncompromising commitment to this war of the settlers which has been imposed on us”.

To close these remarks, Georgette Thiombiano raised certain grievances in power.

Among these we note, among other things, ways to boost social, economic and political development such as roads, work and a good education for their children.

The representative of young people also representing the association Friendship Burkina-Russia, Dadjoari Dieudonné said.

“We say no to a corrupt ECOWAS, to a remote-controlled ECOWAS. We say no to the corrupt and remote-controlled African Union”.

Continuing, Mr. Dajoari also advocates a Constitution in tune with the new Burkina Faso and supports popular shareholding and the law on property development

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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