Gourma: Stakeholders consult on development plans for three forests

The governor of the East region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo chaired a workshop to reflect on the development plans for the forests of Koaré, Guilyendé and Bogolé, on Tuesday , June 20, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma.

The East region is the largest in Burkina Faso with an area of 46,600 km 2 , or 17% of the national territory.

It is also a large region in terms of forest cover because it is home to important protected and classified areas.

The timber potential represents 20% of the capital at the national level. The Eastern region makes a strong contribution to supplying the towns of Ouagadougou, Pouytenga and Koupéla with charcoal and wood-energy.

For several years now, the forest massifs and conservation areas have been subject to anthropogenic pressures characterized by the expansion of agricultural areas, the dynamics of urban planning, the development of the local timber industry, artisanal mining gold, suggested the governor of the Eastern region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo.

In order to curb these various pressures, actions have been undertaken by the Regional Directorate for the Environment in the East, with the support of the BKF 023 Program “Support for the sustainable management of forest resources” (AGREF).

The general objective is to: “Contribute to the protection and sustainable development of forest and wildlife resources by ensuring a healthy environment for the populations in a dynamic of environmental governance and sustainable development”, indicated Colonel Hubert Yaméogo.

Continuing, he underlined that among the actions undertaken we can mention the securing of the forest domain and the support to the Territorial Communities for the creation and management of community conservation areas.

This workshop on the session of the Regional Commission for Development and Sustainable Development of the Eastern Territory (CRADD-Est), is devoted to the development plans of three (03) forests that are Koaré in the commune of Fada N’Gourma; of Guilyendé in the commune of Yamba and of Bogolé in the commune of Tibga.

The objective is to take these spaces in hand in order to ensure harmonious development. The examination and adoption of these plans will make it possible to enhance and protect these spaces for the happiness of the populations and future generations, argued Colonel Hubert Yaméogo.

According to the Regional Director of the Environment in the East, Romuald Nikiéma, the examination and adoption of these management plans aims to promote the participatory management of forest resources through local communities of state services in order to be able to good management of forest resources. “Forest resources are depletable resources. Each citizen must therefore work to perpetuate these resources for future generations”, such is the call from the regional director.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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