Gourma: ‘Be courageous, persevere and have confidence in your abilities’, Governor

The governor of the Eastern region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo officially launched the 2023-2024 school year this Monday, October 2, 2023, at the Kpakpatouomou public primary school in the city of Yendabili. For the occasion, Colonel Yaméogo urged the students to be ‘courageous, perseverant and trust in their abilities’.

During the past school year, in the Eastern region, out of 1,285 primary schools, 450 were functional, at post-primary and secondary levels.

There are 156 establishments closed due to insecurity out of a total of 282.

It is in this context that the governor of the Eastern region, Colonel Hubert Yaméogo officially launched the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

On this occasion, he took the opportunity to salute the remarkable commitment of teachers and the invaluable support of education partners who work tirelessly to ensure the continuity of learning despite the difficult circumstances.

To parents of students, the governor indicated that the State is aware of their concern about the s
afety of their children and is working tirelessly to strengthen security around schools and the roads used by our students.

Colonel Hubert did not fail to provide advice to schoolchildren. ‘I want you to know that you have the power within you to overcome the obstacles that stand before you. ( ). Be courageous, be persistent and have confidence in your abilities,’ he said.

The head of the Basic Education District of Fada NGourma No. I, Ahadi Idani welcomed the privilege that his administrative entity hosted the launch of this new school year.

According to Mr. Idani, his establishment welcomes many internally displaced students, who come from other communes due to insecurity.

To the various actors that are teachers, educational supervisors, parents of students, He urges them to be courageous, resilient and to take action, in order to reap convincing results at the end of the year.

In view of the results achieved in the fight against terrorism in recent times, the regional education directorates have plann
ed to reopen respectively 50 primary schools and 15 post-primary and secondary establishments.

The reopening of establishments will be done gradually depending on the security context.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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