GIEWS Country Brief: Cabo Verde 16-June-2021


• Land preparation for 2021 cropping season underway
• Average maize production gathered in 2020
Land preparation for 2021 cropping season underway
Seasonal dry weather conditions are prevailing in most areas of the country and land preparation is underway to plant the 2020 maize crops starting at the beginning of July with the normal onset of the rains.
In most pastoral areas, seasonal rains are expected to start in July. Despite the ongoing pastoral lean season, forage availability is overall satisfactory in the main grazing areas of the country. The animal health situation remains overall good and stable, with just some localized outbreaks of seasonal diseases, including some endo and ecto parasites.
Average maize production recorded in 2020
Following the provision of inputs to farmers by the government and its partners, the 2020 national cereal production is estimated at an average level of 3 000 tonnes, with a considerable increase compared to the previous year when the season was characterized by a late onset of rains (by about seven weeks) and maize crops were affected by locusts and Fall armyworm (FAW).
The country’s arable land represents only about 10 percent of the total area and about 85 percent of the domestic cereal demand (mostly rice and wheat for human consumption) is covered by imports. The cereal import requirements in the 2020/21 marketing year (November/October) are forecast at an above average level of 87 000 tonnes as local traders are aiming to replenish their stocks.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


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