German, Africa Trade Fair & Conference to be Held in Addis This Week

A two-day trade fair and conference that promotes German and Africa trade and Investment relations will be held in Addis Ababa this week.

More than 2,500 German and African investors, diplomats, government officials and other stakeholders are expected to take part in the trade fair that takes place on March 1 and 2, 2023.

Economy, Culture and Press Section Head at the German Embassy in Ethiopia, Onur Yel told the press that and discussion will be held about the way of enhancing trade relations between Germany and Africa.

In parallel, consultations will take place with German companies engaged in basic infrastructure, clean cities, construction, environmental protection and digitalization, among others, it was learned.

Regarding financial affairs, discussion will be held with World Bank, International Monetary Fund and representatives of Deutsche Bank.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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