General Coulibaly Calls for Unity and Vigilance Amidst Increasing Troop Success Against Terrorism

Ouagadougou, General Kassoum Coulibaly expressed satisfaction with the progress made by the Combatant Forces in countering terrorist activities, highlighting the positive impact of President Ibrahim Traoré’s initiative. Despite the successes, he urged the forces not to fall prey to demobilization, corporatism, and the lure of huge profits, tactics he attributed to the enemy.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Minister in charge of Defense, the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the creation of the national armed forces took place on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, in Ouagadougou. The event was themed “National Armed Forces, Internal Security Forces, and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland; together for the continuation of the reconquest of the territory.” He emphasized that the theme reflects the vision of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of the Transition, who has prioritized the reconquest of national territory as a central goal.

Coulibaly highlighted a shift in the fight against terrorism over the past year, marking a period of reorganization and strengthening for the Defense and security system. This includes increasing personnel, acquiring strategic resources, operational materials, and equipment, and creating new units to effectively cover the territory.

Brigadier General Coulibaly noted the Combatant Forces’ success in tracking and engaging the enemy, reducing their freedom of action and movement in various regions. He reiterated the clear message from the fighting forces: “lay down your arms for a perspective or perish!”

However, Coulibaly expressed concern about the enemy’s response to the Burkinabè people’s resistance and the setbacks suffered on the battlefield. He revealed that the enemy is attempting to create conditions for an implosion within the fighting forces, employing tactics such as disinformation, manipulation, incitement to demobilization, promises of huge profits, and exacerbating corporatism and rivalries.

In response, General Coulibaly called for unity and vigilance among the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), and the general population to overcome these tactics. He emphasized the importance of maintaining cohesion and serenity to avoid providing advantages to the enemy.

He further urged leaders of various force-providing entities to actively participate in the preparation, decision-making, planning, and conduct of operations at the National Theater Operations Command, the central coordinating body for all military operations during times of war and crisis.

The Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambela, who presided over the ceremony, paid tribute to former leaders and praised Captain Ibrahim Traoré for his strategic leadership and support to the military. The event concluded with the decoration of 38 FDS members and civilians.

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