Gender Equality hosts Women’s Economic Empowerment Stakeholder Engagement in Limpopo, 24 Feb


CGE to host Women’s Economic Empowerment Stakeholder Engagement in Limpopo

Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) in Limpopo will be hosting a stakeholder engagement on women’s economic empowerment, to look at women’s unequal access to public and private procurement opportunities. Statistics have shown that women-owned businesses in South Africa are struggling to break into various mainstream business industries and that more support is needed to level the playing fields in the economic sector.

The CGE recently launched a research report which showed that government departments were not adhering to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s public pronouncement that government will commit 40% of procurement to businesses owned by women.

The engagement is anchored in pillar five of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on Gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) which encored around economic power. This engagement is also looking at galvanizing institutions to localise and support NSP more especially pillar five.

The engagement will also include various state-owned entities that operate in the finance and economic development sector. The engagement, organized in conjunction with the Women’s Economic Assembly, and addressed by CGE’s CEO Ms Phelisa Nkomo, will be held as follows:

Source: Government of South Africa