Gauteng Legislature conducts external meeting and Legislative Scrutiny-Oversight visit, 11 Aug


Standing committee to conduct external meeting and Legislative Scrutiny-Oversight Visit, based on amendments of regulations relating to the admission of learners to public schools.

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL)’s Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Subordinate Legislation (CSSL) is conducting an external meeting today (Thursday, 11th August 2022); followed by a post Legislative scrutiny with parents of pupils, the school principal, support staff, and members of the School Governing Body (SGB).

The purpose of the oversight is to evaluate the socio-economic impact of regulations that were passed in previous years and assess whether these are being implemented appropriately. Furthermore, the Committee intends to ascertain that these regulations do not result in any adverse socio-economic effects on affected stakeholders. Members of the Committee will subsequently propose recommendations for policy action based on today’s findings.

The Committee will be engaging all relevant stakeholders to determine challenges encountered in implementing the Gauteng Regulations on Admission of Learners to Public Schools. In addition, validating measures that the Department is using to ensure that there is monitoring of the socio-economic impact of these Regulations will be assessed.

Source: Government of South Africa