Gauteng Legislature condemns fatal stabbing of Geluksdal Secondary School learner

The Gauteng Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Community Safety condemns the senseless fatal stabbing of a Grade 10 learner from Geluksdal Secondary School.

Preliminary reports suggest that the alleged incident occurred outside school hours on Thursday, 2 February 2023, fuelled by a feud that allegedly started at school earlier on in the day.

The Committee is disturbed and concerned by the incident and awaits a comprehensive report from the Police to shed light regarding the events of the day.

Meanwhile, the Committee extends heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased learner and the entire schooling community of Geluksdale Secondary.

It further notes and accepts that the issuing of media statements expressing concern and extending condolence does not assist in addressing the scourge of crime in schools and communities.

As a result, the Committee will, jointly with the Portfolio Committee on Education, conduct a Focused Intervention Study to assess the effectiveness of school safety interventions in fighting crime in Gauteng.

Part of what this study will look at is whether all schools in Gauteng have safety plans, and the extent to which they are implemented to curb the scourge of violence in schools. The study will also look at the role played by both the Department of Community Safety and Education, as well as Law Enforcement Agencies.

The study constitutes one of the crucial tools of oversight as it will present a clear picture of the state of safety at schools. Out of it, recommendations will be formulated to influence government polies and the implementation of programmes aimed at fighting crime at schools.

Source: Government of South Africa

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