Representatives of the population of the village of Souka, commune of Zorgho handed over food to the prefect, President of the special municipal delegation (PDS) of Zorgho, Valentin Badolo, this September 11, 2023 to support displaced people Interns (PDI) in the municipality.
The situation of IDPs has affected the sensitivity of the populations of the village of Souka in the commune of Zorgho. In fact, they collected around 675 kg of sorghum and the sum of 10 thousand CFA francs to support the IDPs and contribute to the patriotic support fund.
This evening of September 11, in the premises of the Zorgho town hall, they handed over the food to the municipal authorities and presented them with the receipt for payment of the sum to the public treasury for the patriotic support fund.
According to the representative of the chief of Souka, Lallé Kaboré, the initiative came from the village chief who brought the population together and suggested that they collect food to help the IDPs. For him, IDPs are brothers and sisters who suffer and in the current context of insecurity, no one is safe from this situation. He thanked the municipal authorities and hoped that peace would return to the country so that everyone could return to their homes and live with dignity.
According to Mr. Kaboré, the collection continues with the daughters and sons of Souka living elsewhere and their contribution will soon be handed over to the authorities.
The PDS, Valentin Badolo expressed the recognition of the highest authorities of the country to the population of Souka. According to him, Souka is the second village, after Tuiré, to take this action in the commune.
He invited the populations to continue their action by visiting the IDPs, involving them in their projects and programs so that they feel integrated. For him, when it comes to solidarity, all actions count.
He, like the representative of the provincial director in charge of solidarity in Ganzourgou, Naba Biessan, thanked the donors and hoped that their gesture would be emulated in other villages in the commune. He promised that the food would go to the right people and hoped that the beneficiaries would make good use of it.
Source: Burkina Information Agency