Ganzourgou: High Commissioner Aminata Sorgho/Gouba wishes a good start to the school year to education stakeholders

The High Commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba encouraged this October 3, 2023, during the traditional raising of colors, the health workers of the Zorgho health district. She also wished those involved in education a good start to the 2023-2024 school year.

This October 3, 2023, the first Tuesday of the month, the traditional rotating ceremony of raising the colors in the administrations in Ganzourgou took place within the Zorgho health district.

To this end, the directors and heads of provincial services headed by the head of the province, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, the Defense and Security Forces, health workers and district administration staff rallied around a brand new mast made for the occasion.

Ms. Sorgho also wished a good start to the school year to all those involved in education, with a positive thought for children and teachers in localities with strong security challenges who will not be able to take part in this 2023-2024 school year.

After the raising of c
olors ceremony, the District Chief Medical Officer (MCD), Dr Delphin Kaboré thanked the authorities for their mobilization and presented the health district and its technical units to them.

According to him, the Zorgho health district has 71 Health and Social Promotion Centers (CSPS) whose sole reference is the Zorgho Medical Center with surgical branch (CMA).

The High Commissioner, Mrs. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba welcomed the mobilization of everyone around the national colors.

She encouraged the health workers in the province and thanked the MCD and its collaborators, not only for welcoming but also for carrying out the mast in the district.

‘If we remain united around our national colors, together we will be able to work to root out terrorism outside our borders and restore order in our country, in order to be able to begin its radiant march towards development,’ he said. she says.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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